First-class tax service
   to our customers

If you have any concerns regarding inheritance, international taxation, or tax advisory, please feel free to contact us.
We will be a good partner with light footwork.

Our Service

Murata Sogo Tax & Accounting Office provides a wide range of services from inheritance, business succession, and international taxation to corporate advisory services and individual tax returns.
As a specialized topic, it tends to be a difficult explanation, but we try to provide services that are easy to understand and customer-friendly.


Our office can handle both English and Japanese.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns regarding Japanese tax issues.

Introduction of our office

What's New

Pension from the U.S. Armed Forces

We are Murata Sogo Tax & Accounting Office, specializing in inheritance and international taxation, with an office in Miyakojima-ku, Osaka City.Some Japanese residents with foreign citizenship may have served in the U.S. military in the past and rece...

Important Points for Remittances from Abroad to Japan

We are Murata Sogo Tax Accounting Office, specializing in inheritance and international taxation, with an office in Miyakojima-ku, Osaka City.In this issue, we would like to describe some points to keep in mind when a foreign national or a person who...

大阪市都島区に事務所を構えます、相続・国際税務に強い村田綜合税務会計事務所です。 12月20日に与党より2025年度(令和7年度)税制改正大綱が発表されました。今回は、主な改正内容の概要をお伝えするとともに、それぞれの改正に関する考察も記載していきたいと思い...